This Time the House Wins
“Ryan, our daughter is depending on you to show up for her party today.” I hesitated for a moment turning to look at the colorful balloons bestrewn across the kitchen floor.
“Danielle I wouldn’t miss her party,” he proclaimed. “I can’t apologize more than I already have… I’ve gone to the meetings. I’ve completed the steps. Isn’t it time to cut me a bit of slack?”
I have picked up our shattered pieces and glued them back together for long enough. He could no longer afford to gamble with our daughter’s heart.
“Trust needs to be re-established, Ryan— without it we’ll never be able to move forward. This family can not shoulder yet another heart break.” My attention focused on all the unwrapped presents. “Do the right thing this time.”
Hanging up the phone, I immediately dove back into party preparations. I hoped that it would becalm my anxiety because a wave of disappointments often followed that man. I wouldn’t allow it to envelop this household…not on our daughter’s birthday, not this time.
Gambling quickly became Ryan’s addiction without him even knowing it. He lusted tirelessly for that feeling of winning “just one more time”. Within six months he had been gambling daily. Coming home from work he’d venture off into the room, the one with the computer. It’s the place he voluntarily traded his family in for. A place of gorgeous sounds and flashing lights. His compulsion led him down the path to stealing. He did so from both me, and his workplace. Our family was torn asunder.
Guests finally arrived at the party. Half an hour in there was an unexpected knock at the door. It was Ryan. He cheekily quipped, “I bet you didn’t think I would come!”
I am no betting woman. What I have though, is the best of poker faces. For that day only, for that moment in time, the house won.
If you, or someone you know, has an addiction, you can get help in many ways:
Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline - Call 1-888-230-3505 for information about problem gambling treatment resources in Ontario.
ConnexOntario - Information and Referral Specialists answer all calls, emails or webchat requests any time of the day. The service is free, confidential and anonymous for people experiencing problems with gambling, drugs or alcohol and mental illness.
I'm glad he came back! You had me wondering!